Doyalson Wyee Soccer Club Registration Information 2025

Welcome to a new season of Football in 2025

Doyalson Wyee Soccer Club (DWSC) is a volunteer run, community-based football club promoting a fun and safe environment for all players. The committee and volunteers invite you to register with us and play in our teams that start from Under 5's and go through to Men’s and Women’s All Age as well as Men’s 35's and 45's.


Online registrations are open from Wednesday 8th January 2025, please register promptly as spots are not guaranteed.

This is a ‘first in best dressed’ scenario.

Once an age group becomes full, the online system will NOT accept your registration.

Instead, it will convert you over to a waiting list.

Please be mindful, that age groups can fill VERY FAST!

Season Starts 4th/5th/6th April 2025


We will have 1 Face to Face Registration Day this year at the Doylo

Sunday 9th of February  - 10am - 4pm The Doylo 

Online Registrations can also be processed online via  from the 8th of January. 

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU USE THE SAME account/email address that you used in 2024.



Annual Registration fees are detailed below. Payment can be made by Debit/Credit Card during the online process, we also have access to ZIPPAY with a 5% fee.

You are also able to enter into a payment plan, 50% of all registrations must be paid before the 2nd of April. If you start paying now it will be only $37.50 per week.

If you select offline payment method when registering, please contact us immediately after registering at to organise payment via either of the above methods.

If you are eligible to receive a discount for years of service, please enter the codes at the checkout process that are included below.


4th, 5th and 6th of April 2025.


Please make sure all player photos are profile photos, showing head and tops of shoulders only.

  passport type photo of a lady



Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 9.31.07¿am.png 

For up to date information please view our 2025 Information Doc, this document is a live link and will be updated constantly througout the season.




If you intend to take advantage of the NSW Governments offer of a $50 voucher for sports registration costs then please go to BEFORE proceeding to register the child, as you will need the voucher number prior to obtain the $50 discount. There are a number of old vouchers that expire before 31st of January so please register early to use any expiring vouchers. Please also be aware there is a new Creative and Active Kids voucher system in place from Feb 1 where less people will be eligible to apply, to find out more read here.

Please ensure this is applied during the registration process as we are unable to apply the ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHER once the registration has been completed online.

Please upload a headshot only ‘passport style’ photo when registering online. Registrations cannot be
accepted until this is done..

PLEASE make sure that the photos follows the following rules

  • - It has only one person
  • - Minimal background
  • - The person is centered in the photo
  • - The photo is from the shoulders up ONLY

All players who have not previously been registered with Doyalson Wyee Soccer Club are required to
provide Identification (Birth Certificate or Driver's License).

Please take a photo or scan the document and send to our Registrar Karen Morris or 0410 045 981 your registration will not be able to be approved until such time we have the appropriate identification

The DWSC Committee continue to work tirelessly throughout the off-season to find ways to reduce the
costs of player registration. Unlike many other sporting codes, participation in football in NSW receives NO subsidisation of any description – from the state or national bodies. Clubs must ensure that the running costs are covered through registration fees, sponsorship, canteen revenue and fund-raising.
Doyalson Wyee Soccer Club has a very dedicated voluntary committee who put in many hours each week to keep the club operating well.
Here are some of the areas that we need to spend money to keep the club operating smoothly:

  • Training and Playing
  • Grading Venues
  • Trial Game Venues
  • CCF registration fees & team nomination fees, which includes insurance for every registered player
  • Referee Fees
  • Cadet Referee Fees
  • Ground Equipment
  • Training Equipment
  • Goals, nets, flags, poles, cones, bibs
  • Free social events
    • Junior Fun Nights (BBQ and Drinks for Participants
  • Footballs (Match Balls and Training Balls as needed)
  • Uniforms
  • Trophies
  • Presentations
  • Canteen Manager
  • Accounting Fees & Bank Fees
  • Stationery Supplies
  • Advertising & Signage
  • The list goes on

Playing Jerseys are provided and remain the property of the Club for all registered players. They are handed out and returned each game day and are not to be worn for any other reason.

The Jerseys should be washed in cold water and air dried. Clothes dryers are not to be used, as per the manufacturer’s recommendation.


MiniRoos (Under 5-Under 11)

 - Registration fee with Central Coast Football (CCF)
 - Ground Hire, Match and Referee Fees
 - Training equipment for team training sessions
 - Presentation Day and Trophy

Junior Mixed and Junior Women’s Football (Under 12 – Under16)

 - Registration fee with Central Coast Football (CCF)
 - Ground Hire, Match and Referee Fees
 - Training equipment for team training sessions
 - Presentation Day and Trophy 

Senior Football including Men’s 20 & Div:1 and U18s.

- Registration fee with Central Coast Football (CCF)
- Ground Hire & Match and Referee Fees.
- Training equipment for team training sessions
- Includes entry to Senior Presentation Night at The Doylo 

2024 DWSC Registration Prices
Age Group DWSC Registration Prices Active Kids Voucher (where applicable) Total Registration Fee Payable
Superheros $150.00 $50.00 $100.00
Under 5's $180.00 $50.00 $130.00
Under 6 's & 7's mixed $200.00 $50.00 $150.00
Under 8's & 9's mixed and 9's girls $220.00 $50.00 $170.00
Under 10's & 11's mixed and 10's girls $240.00 $50.00 $190.00
Under 12's t - 16's mixed and girls  $260.00 $50.00 $210.00
Under 18's (Mens and Womens) $280.00 $50.00 $230.00
Seniors Registration (including WAA, MAA, Womens 35's Friday, M35 & M45) $430.00   $430.00
Division 1 - Mens and Womens $450.00   $450.00

Shorts and Socks are to be purchased $40.00 Combo. They can be purchased here
All Weekly Playing & Referee Fees are included in registration prices

Refunds will NOT be considered after 5pm on Sunday 31st of March 2024

To request a refund a Letter “Application for Refund” is to be completed and submitted online no later than 5pm on the 31st of March 2024.

Approved refunds will attract the following deductions:

a) Administration Fee of $50.00

b) Cost of items supplied at registration, e.g., socks, shorts, etc

Please note: The “Active Kids” portion is not refundable but can be transferred to another registered Active Kids provider.

Refunds are given strictly as per Refund of Registration Fee Policy.


Any queries that can’t be answered by information available online can be forwarded to.

Club Secretary Karen Morris on 0410 045 981 –

Registration Information


Players will be allocated to teams on a “first in” basis and only if fees have been paid in full. 

Players in competition will be graded accordingly and allocated to the appropriate team.

Players who are not financial will not be allocated to teams until all outstanding fees have been paid. 

Teams with insufficient financial players will not be nominated for the 2024 CCF competition.

2024 Grading

Should we receive enough registrations for any age group that requires us to nominate more than one team, a Grading session will be organised ASAP to allow us to assess the individual and potential team grades we will nominate to CCF. Grading is performed from U9 and above and while not a perfect science, it allows us (the club) to nominate teams where the players involved are most comfortable in regards to their level and ability.

Not all age groups require grading. Please see section on key dates for details on grading.


All Juniors teams will require a Coach and Manager supplied by the parents of the team, DWSC does not supply coaches/manages as we are all volunteers to the club and game.

Discount Codes are exactly as shown below with the hyphen.

More than one discount can be applied if qualified, Example, and 10 years’ service will be Doylo24-10
 Doylo24-30    $30.00    30 Years Service 
 Doylo24-25    $25.00    25 Years Service 
 Doylo24-20    $20.00    20 Years Service  
  Doylo24-15    $15.00    15 Years Service 
Doylo24-10    $10.00    10 Years Service 

(All Life members will need to pay -$120.00 =  Senior Presentation $40.00 & Match Fees $80.00)



2024 Pre-Season Key Dates






Tue 9th Jan

Registrations Open

Register here to Play, Coach, Manage or Volunteer

Sat 10th Feb

Face to Face Registration information day

10am - 4pm

The Doylo


Support for all registrations.

Sale of Shorts and Socks

Monday 26th February

Team Allocation

U5s to U7s

Meet & Greet with your teams

U5s - 5pm

U6s – 5.45pm

U7s – 6.30pm

Doyalson Soccer Fields

Near containers

Please arrive 15min prior to be marked off at official table.


Tuesday 27th February


U8s to U9s

Meet & Greet with your teams

U8s – 5.15pm

U9s – 6.30pm

Doyalson Soccer Fields

Near containers

Please arrive 15min prior to be marked off at official table.


Wednesday 28th February


U10s to U11s

Meet & Greet with your teams

U10s – 5.15pm

U11s – 6.30pm

Doyalson Soccer Fields

Near containers

Please arrive 15min prior to be marked off at official table.


Thursday 29th February


U12s to U13s

Meet & Greet with your teams

U12s – 5.15pm

U13s – 6.30pm

Doyalson Soccer Fields

Near containers

Please arrive 15min prior to be marked off at official table.


Friday 1st March


U14s to U15’s

Meet & Greet with your teams

U14s – 5.15pm

U15s – 6.30pm

Doyalson Soccer Fields

Near containers

Please arrive 15min prior to be marked off at official table.


Tuesday 27th February

Cadets Training/Meeting

Josh Smith


Doyalson Canteen Area

All Cadets from 11 to 16, interested in becoming a Cadet Ref can attend – Parents Welcome

2nd 3rd March

Trial Games

SAT Juniors & 35s

SUN Seniors & Women’s Teams


Doyalson Soccer Fields

Playing times will be communicated on all socials and with Coaches a week before.

Monday 11th March

Coach & Managers Meeting



The Doylo


This is a compulsory to go over New CCF Rules/Reg, DWSC support & expectations.

15th & 16th March

Trial Games

SAT Juniors & 35s

SUN Seniors & Women’s Teams


Doyalson Soccer Fields

Playing times will be communicated on all socials and with Coaches a week before.

6th & 7th April

2024 Season Starts

Draw will be out the week before for all on CCF My Comp App